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Ready to feel better? Let’s get you on the schedule


(Mother Recover members get a 15% discount on 1:1 appointments with Alison)


For New Clients

Start off with a 90 minute intake call where we go over your current diet, symptoms, and goals. Together, we will come up with a plan that works for you, including recommended traditional and functional labs.

$325. HSA/ FSA accepted

For Returning Clients

Book a follow-up call to go over lab results, check in with symptoms and next steps, continue to tweak and modify your personalized program.

$270. 60 Minute Follow-up. HSA/ FSA accepted

$225. 45 Minute Follow-up. HSA/ FSA accepted

$185. 30 Minute Follow-up. HSA/ FSA accepted

3 Month All Access Package

For those considering my all access package with unlimited appointments and between visit messaging with Alison, book a short call here to chat and see if this plan is right for you.