Let’s get you feeling better.


No motherhood journey is the same. Get expert insight, custom recommendations, and ongoing support for your health.


My one-on-one nutrition + wellness services deliver expert guidance, tailored to you and your wellness journey.


areas of support

Each woman’s body is unique in its needs and symptoms. Here are some common areas that we might navigate in one-on-one support.

  • Postpartum

  • Perimenopause

  • Hormone Imbalances

  • Digestion

  • Weight Management

  • Immunity

  • Sleep + Insomnia

  • Fertility


From postpartum to perimenopause, and everything in between.

For 15 years, I’ve worked one-on-one with men and women, using nutrition to improve their health and support their bodies. As a mother, I now focus on helping women from postpartum to perimenopause. These periods, despite being mostly ignored in the medical world, are some of the most demanding and fast-changing seasons in our lives. In short, moms deserve better.


Program Options

HSA and FSA cards are accepted for every program. insurance options available.


À la carte appointments

Work with Alison at your own pace. À la carte sessions can be booked any time and may be fully or partially covered from your insurance provider.

Who it’s for:

For any mom that wants help from Alison, a functional dietitian specializing in women’s hormonal health. We can go over your nutrition and medical history, discuss labs, troubleshoot hormonal symptoms, recommend dietary adjustments and personalized supplements.

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The Super Session

A 2.5 hour “super session” is the definition of efficiency! Equivalent of 3 sessions with Alison at a major discount, we meet once to go over your symptoms and goals, analyze your current diet, lab results, and lifestyle and walk away with a personalized plan for exactly what to do.

Who it’s for:

For any mom that is dealing with hormone, mood, energy, or gut symptoms and wants help figuring it out. This is best for moms who do not need continuing support around meal planning and accountability.

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An immersive 3-month program with regular live sessions with me, messaging for in between session questions, lab interpretations, and a custom nutrition guide based on your health struggles and goals, as well as your food preferences.

Who it’s for:

This is any mom dealing with health and wellness struggles and wants to feel better. Common areas of focus include PMS, exhaustion, weight management support, fertility struggles, mood disorders, digestive symptoms, immunity support, burnout.

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All Access Package

The Motherlode (coming soon)


The Motherlode is an all inclusive online community where mothers become their own biggest health advocates. You’ll get direct nutrition coaching with me, where I guide you through a custom nutrition, supplement, and lifestyle protocol based on your needs. Get your questions answered 24/7 by our team of dietitians, and Rosie the AI Mom Bot.

Who it’s for:

Moms who want ongoing support, plus the education and personalized protocol based on their season of life. Choose one of the pathways based on where you’re at and your goals: postpartum, burnout, perimenopause, weight management.

Coming soon. Click to get on the waitlist.




Not sure which option is for you? Let’s chat.

Customized Labwork

Test, don’t guess.


Each private nutrition client has the option of adding a range of lab panels to their packages. Ranging from nutrient to hormone to gut testing, these at-home tests go way beyond what standard blood work can offer, giving us a detailed look into your body’s core functions. While these panels are optional, I recommend them to each client so that we can quickly get to the root of any deficiencies or imbalances.



01. do you accept insurance?


We do not take insurance as payment but provide a superbill at that you can submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement. Check in with your insurance provider to see if they cover out-of-network services from a registered dietitian.

02. can I use my hsa/ fsa card?


Yes! Both are accepted as payment for any program or 1:1 service that Motherwell provides.

03. How many appointments do i need?


This varies based on what your symptoms and goals are, how closely you are able to follow the recommended advice (dietary and lifestyle changes, supplements etc), and how your body is responding. Typically, 3-10 appointments will meet most people’s needs. Some clients like to meet with Alison once or twice, and then join The Motherlode for their follow up needs.

04. can you run labs?


We can order blood labs via Labcorp or Quest, and most functional lab kits including hormone kits, hair mineral analysis, home nutrient testing, stool testing, neurotransmitter panels, and toxin panels like mycotoxin (mold), environmental chemicals and heavy metals. Alison can also review data from previously run tests that another provider has ordered.

The Hormone Quiz

Are your hormones screaming into the void?

After pregnancy, your hormones don’t go back to normal on their own. Yes, even years later. Take the free quiz to find out if your hormones might be the culprit for all those mood swings, night sweats, and 3PM sugar cravings.

take the quiz